Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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approach the act of coming near.
article a single thing; one item out of a group of similar objects.
chute a passage down which things may slide in order to be moved from one area to another.
correction the act of making something right or more accurate.
deeply in a strong and serious way; intensely.
environment the things and conditions that are all around one.
exception the act or fact of leaving out.
friendship the relationship of people of who know and like each other.
glint a brief flash or flicker of reflected light.
jerk any sudden, sharp movement that is not expected or planned.
pillar a tall column shaped like a cylinder that is used to support a structure or to serve as a decoration or monument.
reveal to make known; tell.
technological of or relating to technology.
ware (usually plural) a thing or things offered for sale.
within in the inner part of; inside.