Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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apposite fitting; pertinent; appropriate.
barrage a great number of things coming one after another very quickly.
benign causing little or no harm.
cognizant aware; informed (usually followed by "of").
contumacious stubbornly disobedient; insubordinate; rebellious.
derision mockery or ridicule.
etiolate to weaken, especially through deprivation of normal development.
ineluctable impossible to be avoided; inescapable.
inflection change that occurs in the form of words to show a grammatical characteristic such as the tense of a verb, the number of a noun, or the degree of an adjective or adverb.
maunder to speak in an aimless or foolish way; babble.
minatory presenting a threat; menacing.
parturient giving birth or about to give birth; in labor.
penumbra an indefinite, borderline area.
proselytize to convert or try actively to convert (others) to one's own beliefs or religion.
reprisal injury inflicted in retaliation for injury received, as in war; revenge.