Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adaptive capable of changing in response to changes in environment.
coordinate to arrange or select things so that they work well together.
displace to force out of a home territory or particular place.
encore "Once more!"; "Again!"
entrepreneur someone who assumes the financial risk of beginning and operating one or several businesses.
foolproof always successful or effective.
hospitable open and receptive.
persuasive having the ability to cause another to do or believe something.
plume a large, fluffy, colorful feather.
practitioner a person working in a trade, occupation, or profession.
qualitative of or concerning the nature or attributes of something, as opposed to its amount. (Cf. quantitative.)
resolve to decide firmly and sincerely to do something or that something shall be done.
revise to change or make different.
salvage the act of saving property from destruction.
sympathetic feeling or showing understanding.