Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agreement common understanding; harmony; accord.
bargain an agreement that contains the terms of a transaction or exchange.
basis something that supports and is needed by all the other parts; starting point or foundation.
birth the act or fact of being born.
collapse to fall down; give way; cave in.
defeat to win a victory over; beat in a game or battle.
flatten to squash or compress.
govern to rule or lead.
gradual happening by degrees that are small and even.
revolve to turn or spin in place.
tame taken from a wild state and made obedient; domesticated.
traffic the movement of people or vehicles along a sidewalk, road, or other route of travel.
vocalist one who sings, especially a professional singer of popular music.
workout a period or program of physical exercise.
wrongdoing conduct that is bad, immoral, or illegal.