Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abject of the lowest or most wretched kind.
coterie a small, exclusive group of friends or associates with similar interest or activities; clique.
crony a close friend or ally (often used pejoratively).
demure quiet, shy, modest, or reserved in manner.
detonate to explode or cause to explode.
discontinuous interrupted or intermittent; not without pause or break.
discredit to harm the reputation of.
expatriate one who has gone into exile from or renounced allegiance to his or her native land.
exuberance the condition or quality of being vigorously happy or high-spirited.
facile acting or working in an easy, effortless manner.
mettle toughness of character; courage.
parody a humorous imitation in print, music, or performance of a serious person, work of art, or publication.
realign to come to a new relationship or set of alliances, as countries or political factions.
taciturn habitually silent and uncommunicative.
tome a large thick book, often one of a multivolume scholarly work.