Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bequeath to leave or dispose of (property) by a will.
contention a point asserted in argument or debate.
crux an essential, basic, crucial, or pivotal point.
cumulative becoming larger or greater by means of gradual addition.
fiasco an utter and shameful failure.
inexplicable unable to be explained or interpreted.
iota an extremely small amount.
partake to take part; participate (usually followed by "in").
philanthropist one who engages in charitable activities.
presumptuous excessively bold or forward.
scrimmage a vigorous struggle; scuffle.
suppress to stop the activities or progress of, especially by force.
tepid not quite warm; lukewarm.
tome a large thick book, often one of a multivolume scholarly work.
transgression the act or an instance of violating a law, religious commandment, or the like; sin; crime; trespass.