Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amiable having or showing a friendly manner.
annihilate to destroy completely.
armistice an agreement by groups of people or countries at war to stop fighting; truce.
cerebral characterized by intellect or reason.
creditor someone to whom money is owed.
decorum properness of behavior, manner, appearance, or the like; dignity; propriety.
exculpate to free (a person or group) from guilt or blame, or from the suspicion of guilt or blame.
junta a small group, often of military officers, acting as the rulers of a nation, especially provisionally after the overthrow of a previous government.
lucid easy to understand; articulate; clear.
misconception an error in understanding; wrong notion or idea.
notation a system of signs used to stand for numbers, words, or musical notes.
primeval of or suggestive of the first age or ages.
regress to go back or backwards, as in reverting to an earlier form or stage of development.
scanty barely adequate; meager.
tussle to fight or struggle roughly or energetically; scuffle.