Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aircraft any machine that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
bashful shy with people; timid.
basis something that supports and is needed by all the other parts; starting point or foundation.
familiar known by many people; easily recognized.
glamour the quality of being exciting, charming, and very attractive.
historic important in history.
possessor one who has or owns something.
rink a smooth surface of ice used for ice skating or ice hockey.
roost a perch on which birds rest or sleep, or a place containing such perches.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food.
senator a member of a senate, a governmental body that serves in the making of laws for a state or country.
terrorism the use of violence or fear by a political group as a way of forcing others to meet its demands.
triumph the winning of a great victory or success.
version a description or report in a particular style or from one point of view.
whole having the entire amount or length.