Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acknowledge to admit the truth or existence of.
advocacy the giving of support to an idea, person, or cause.
append to add, especially as something extra at the end of a text.
avenger one who inflicts suffering in order to punish or gain retribution for a wrong.
behold to see or observe.
dependent relying on another for help or to provide what one needs.
forsake to leave or desert.
hearth the floor of a fireplace, or the stone or brick area in front of it.
immigrate to come to live permanently in a country where one was not born.
jaunt a short trip made for fun and pleasure.
negate to render ineffective or invalid; nullify.
posture the general position of or manner of holding the body.
procession the act of moving forward in a formal, orderly way.
sustain to provide with the basic necessities of life.
turmoil a state of great confusion or anxiety; commotion.