Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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avenger one who inflicts suffering in order to punish or gain retribution for a wrong.
chaff the husks separated from grain by threshing.
concordance an alphabetical index of all the main words in a book or in the entire work of an author, listing the contexts in which each word occurs and giving page references for each occurrence.
congest to fill to excess; overcrowd; clog.
defamation the act of causing damage to the reputation of a person, group, or institution by making unfavorable and unjust statements.
enroll to enlist or sign up officially.
ethical of or concerning moral principles of right and wrong.
gala a happy celebration, especially a large, elaborate one.
procrastinate to put off doing something; delay.
promote to support the growth of or help move forward.
respectively in the order that two or more people or things have been named.
restrictive characterized by limitations on application.
sanitary free from things that can cause infection; clean; sterile.
segment one of the parts into which something is or can be separated.
waver1 to move back and forth in a fluttering motion; sway.