Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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actual truly existing, or being something that is real or true.
anemia a medical condition caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working properly. People with anemia may be pale, feel weak, and have difficulty breathing.
deluge a flood caused by a great amount of water.
emphatic forceful, determined, or insistent in speech or action.
guidance the act of guiding.
intact staying complete, whole, or without damage; not changed or harmed.
interact to respond to one another in a social situation.
motherly of or like a female parent.
oral spoken, rather than written; carried out by speaking.
propel to cause to move forward; thrust, push, or drive.
rapture great happiness, joy, or ecstasy; bliss.
recognition the act of realizing that one knows someone or something.
reinforce to add strength to or increase the effect of.
sophisticated having or showing a lot of knowledge or experience; not ignorant or simple.
woe great suffering or sorrow.