Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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circumference the line that forms the outside edge of a circle or other round figure or area.
collide to strike or bump into one another with force.
esteem to have a high opinion of; respect; honor.
explicit said or written in a clear and direct way.
infer to make a guess based on facts and observations; conclude.
marvel a thing, person, or event that causes wonder or amazement.
mutual felt, said, or done by each for the other; shared by two or more people; given and received.
obesity the condition of being exceedingly and unhealthily overweight.
optimist one who usually or in a specific instance expects a good outcome. (Cf. pessimist.)
ownership the state or fact of being the possessor of something.
pacify to calm or bring back peace of mind to.
particularly to an unusual degree; more than other things in a group.
slander a false statement or statements made to hurt someone's reputation, or the act of making such statements.
subjective affected or shaped by personal experience, beliefs, and feelings.
thesis a statement or proposition put forward and supported by proof or argument.