Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adherence the act or condition of holding to or following closely.
aggressive mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or start fights.
alias a false name used to hide one's real name.
continental of or pertaining to the whole of one of the major land masses, such as Europe or South America.
deplete to lessen drastically; exhaust.
ecstatic in a condition of extreme delight, overpowering emotion, or religious trance; enraptured.
exert to use or put into action; apply.
fluster to cause to become nervous, confused, or upset.
hypothetical based on a premise rather than having substance in reality; supposed.
landmark a point in a landscape that is used as a reference or marks a boundary.
offend to cause to be angry, annoyed, or insulted.
perplex to puzzle, confuse, or cause uncertainty in the mind of (a person).
prior happening earlier in time or sequence.
sovereign having independent government.
strive to try or work hard.