Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abstract existing without physical shape or substance.
access a way of approaching or coming to a place.
aspiration a goal, aim, or ambition.
conqueror one who defeats another.
espionage the act of spying to collect information.
hostility the state of being unfriendly or full of hate.
insight the power to understand deep meanings or truths.
legitimate allowed by the law or by rules; legal.
optimistic likely to be hopeful that things will work out well.
predictable able to be foreseen or anticipated.
principle a basic law or truth on which action or behavior is based.
refuge a place that protects from danger or difficulty.
slay to kill deliberately and violently.
untrustworthy not to be depended upon for honesty, loyalty, or responsible conduct.
wrongheaded contrary to sound judgment.