Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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avail to be useful or profitable to; be of value to.
chronicle an account of events, told in the order in which those events took place.
concede to admit the truth or justice of.
crypt a burial chamber or underground vault, especially one beneath a church.
export the act of sending goods to another country to sell.
germinate to start or cause to start growth; sprout.
hamper1 to get in the way of.
inactive not moving or operating; inert; quiescent.
incidence the frequency with which something happens or the range over which it occurs.
indication anything that indicates, such as a sign.
infer to make a guess based on facts and observations; conclude.
parasite a plant, animal, or fungus that lives on or in another living thing, called the host. A parasite gets its food and energy from the host organism.
ponder to think about something deeply and carefully.
projection a guess of a future situation based on looking at the present situation.
self-deprecation the act of belittling or disparaging oneself.