Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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assault a violent physical or verbal attack.
attend to be present at.
faint weak or slight.
fertile producing or able to produce farm crops or other plant life.
invent to think of, come up with, or create something new.
panel a section of a door, wall, or other surface that is set apart from the area around it by being raised, sunken, or decorated.
possible capable of being, happening, being done, or being used.
puny very small or weak; feeble.
realize to understand completely.
seize to take hold of in a quick, forceful way; grab.
site the location or proposed location of a town, city, building, or event.
sizable of large size or quantity; big.
startle to cause to move suddenly.
stroll to walk slowly without a clear goal or purpose.
vice wicked, evil, or criminal behavior.