Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apparent easily seen or plain.
destruction the act of ruining completely or destroying.
digital showing information by a row of numerical digits rather than by numbers on a dial.
fatigue the condition of being tired in body or mind.
obedient likely or willing to obey rules or orders.
pace rate of movement.
prickle a small, sharp, pointed growth or extension, such as a plant thorn.
provider a person or organization that is a source for or supplier of a particular product or service.
quaint pleasant in an old-fashioned way.
remarkable unusual or exceptional.
romp to move about or play in a lively manner.
scrap1 a small bit, such as a piece left over or thrown away.
sliver a small, thin splinter of wood or glass that has broken off.
stake1 a sharpened or pointed post that is driven into the ground. Stakes can be used to mark a place or to support something.
tightly in a firm, close, or secure way.