Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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agitation the condition of being disturbed, anxious, or upset.
bereavement the condition or fact of being deprived of something or someone, especially by the death of a loved one.
boor a rough-mannered or insensitive person.
bravado a false, exaggerated, or boastful display of courage.
breach an act of breaking a law or promise.
expiate to atone or make amends for (a sin, crime, offense, or the like).
luxuriant growing thickly and in great numbers; lush.
motif a distinct formal unit such as a design, theme, or musical phrase that may repeat in, dominate, characterize, or be a prominent feature of an aesthetic or decorative work.
ovation a prolonged or enthusiastic episode of applause for someone, as following a performance.
pastoral of or relating to the country or country life; rural.
personable pleasing in appearance or manner; friendly; attractive.
pert impudent or saucy.
recession1 a period of reduced or declining economic activity.
repugnance strong dislike, distaste, or aversion.
sheaf a bound bundle of cut grain.