Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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alert to warn or make aware.
bay1 a body of water with land around it but that is open to the sea on one side.
commander an officer who is the leader of a military unit.
dare to try to get someone to do something as a test of courage.
flap to swing or wave back and forth with a slapping sound.
hole an open or hollow place in something.
kick to strike with the foot.
lazy not wanting to work or use effort.
often at frequent times.
rusty covered with rust; not working well.
suck to pull into the mouth by using the tongue and lips.
tip2 to move to a leaning position.
title a name of something such as a book, movie, or piece of music.
wool the thick, soft hair of sheep and some other animals, which is often used by people to make fabric for clothes, blankets, and other things.
write to form letters or words on a surface with a pen, pencil, or some other thing.