Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agricultural having to do with growing crops or raising farm animals.
atmosphere the gases surrounding the earth or other similar objects in outer space.
basin an open, shallow bowl used to hold water for washing.
commonly ordinarily; usually.
genetic of, concerning, caused by, or influenced by heredity, especially by genes.
hilarious very funny.
ignore to refuse to recognize or fail to take notice of; pay no attention to.
loyal showing devotion and faithfulness to someone or something.
mansion a large, grand, expensive home.
packet a small bundle or parcel.
procedure a series of steps that must be taken in order to do something.
producer a person or company that makes something.
scrap1 a small bit, such as a piece left over or thrown away.
understand to get the meaning, nature, or importance of.
update to provide (someone) with new or current information.