Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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coincidental of two things, occurring at the same time, or having some other correspondence, by chance and not as a result of a cause or motive.
conceive to give shape to in the mind.
coverage in journalism, the reportage on a particular event or issue, or the amount or type of reportage.
decree an official order or decision by a ruler or government.
derivative copied, modeled on, or extracted from something else.
epic having to do with a long poem that tells the story of a hero or heroine.
excavate to make a hole or hollow place in by digging.
exploit1 a deed of daring or courage.
jovial very cheerful, friendly, and merry; jolly.
measly (informal) ridiculously inadequate or unsatisfactory; paltry.
outbreak a sudden breaking out or increase in activity of disease.
quarantine the keeping of a person, animal, or thing away from others to stop a disease from spreading.
sentiment a way of thinking or feeling about something.
suspend to hang from a higher position.
typhoon a hurricane that occurs in the western Pacific area and the China Sea.