Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bellow to shout loudly and with a deep tone.
bulge a rounded or swollen part caused by pressure from below or within.
classification the act of putting or ordering things into groups of similar things.
definition the statement of the meaning of a word or phrase.
detest to have a strong dislike for; hate.
enrich to make wealthier.
fabric cloth that is woven or knitted; material.
inform to give knowledge to; tell.
murmur to make a soft, muffled, continuous sound.
polish to give a shiny surface to.
pout to show unhappy feelings with an expression of the face. When children pout, they often push out their lips.
settle to finally agree upon or decide.
sketch a drawing or painting that was done in a hurry or without detail. Sketches are sometimes done to prepare for later work.
survive to continue to live despite serious threat to one's life.
talent a natural skill or ability.