Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acceptance the act of accepting something that is given.
assess to look at and try to discover the quality or degree of (something); evaluate; estimate.
authorize to give official permission to; allow or approve.
broaden to make or become broad or broader.
dire causing, likely to cause, or involving terror or suffering.
dissatisfy to fail to meet the expectations of; disappoint.
ethnic of or relating to a group of people who share the same culture, race, or nationality.
exceed to go beyond or do more than.
inevitable certain to happen; not able to be avoided.
reckon to count or estimate; figure.
recuperate to become healthy again after being ill.
scrutiny a close and careful inspection.
sentinel one that stands guard or watches; sentry.
tantalize to tease or torment with the sight or prospect of something desirable but unattainable.
tremor a shaking or trembling.