Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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attract to cause to come near.
continent one of the earth's seven major areas of land. The continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
devour to eat or swallow in a greedy way.
frisk to leap or skip in a lively and happy way.
generally for the most part.
history everything that has happened in the past to people or things, or a telling of these events.
museum a building where collections of objects that are important to history, art, or science are kept and shown to the public.
nab (informal) to catch or seize; arrest.
nugget a small, solid lump.
opponent one who fights, plays, or takes a position against another.
persecute to continually treat in a cruel or harsh way because of race, religion, political ideas, or some other difference.
possible capable of being, happening, being done, or being used.
protest an expression of being against something; objection; complaint.
revolve to turn or spin in place.
signal a movement, action, or device used to communicate instructions, warning, or other information.