Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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buddy (informal) friend.
clear used to describe the sky when there are no clouds or when there is little pollution or dust.
crash to destroy with great force and loud noise.
drip to come down in drops.
early near the beginning of something.
easy not difficult.
fortune a large amount of money or wealth.
hotel a place with many rooms and beds where people pay money to sleep and eat meals.
rocket a device shaped like a tube that moves at high speed and is powered by gases that are forced out of one end. Rockets are used to send things into the air.
staircase a set of steps with a railing that goes from one floor to another in a building.
thick large from one side of a surface to the other side; not thin.
tower a tall, narrow building or part of a building that rises high above the ground.
trick to deceive someone.
wage (often plural) money paid at regular times to a person for doing work.
warm having some heat; not cold.