Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bawl to cry loudly or strongly; wail.
brace to support, hold steady, or prop up.
certainly without doubt or question.
decoration something used to decorate or to make something else more beautiful.
diplomat a person whose job is to handle relations with the governments of other countries.
froth any collection of bubbles formed on a liquid.
heave to push up or out with great effort.
hypnosis a condition like sleep that is caused by the direction of another person. People under hypnosis may do or say things as directed or suggested by the person who has put them in this condition.
improve to make better.
invention the act or process of coming up with or creating something new.
modern having to do with the present or current times.
polish to give a shiny surface to.
pout to show unhappy feelings with an expression of the face. When children pout, they often push out their lips.
seemingly according to what seems or is perceived; apparently.
wholesome good for the health of one's body or mind.