Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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absurd not at all logical; impossible to be true; ridiculous.
ambiguity uncertainty or vagueness in meaning, intention, or the like.
apparatus tools or equipment made for a particular task.
constructive serving to make better or more clear; helpful.
document a written or printed paper that gives factual information or proof of something. Birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports are kinds of documents.
graft to attach as a graft.
imaginable possible to picture or conceive.
indifferent without interest or concern; not caring.
input information that is put into a computer.
levy the collection by a government of money, property, or troops.
panoramic allowing or presenting a wide unbroken view of landscape and the like.
portray to make a picture of in images or words.
prestigious highly esteemed.
reception the act or process of receiving.
supposedly according to what is believed or said to be true but has not been proven.