Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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abundant large in amount or number; more than enough.
accomplish to do or complete; carry out; achieve.
aircraft any machine that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
beyond past the farthest side of; farther on than; later than.
efficient operating or working in a way that gets results, with little wasted effort.
function to run or operate, especially in a way that is normal or desired.
generous willing to give or share; not selfish.
issue to make, give out, or publish.
omit to leave out; not include.
overwhelm to beat or defeat by greater force; destroy.
prickle a small, sharp, pointed growth or extension, such as a plant thorn.
publish to prepare and bring out for sale for the public to read.
represent to stand for or be a sign of.
rummage to make a thorough search by turning over and looking through the contents of.
tax a sum of money paid to a government, which the government uses to pay for its services to the people and to maintain itself.