Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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approximation an estimate; guess.
chronological according to the order in which things happen.
crypt a burial chamber or underground vault, especially one beneath a church.
domestic of or related to the home or family.
expel to force out or drive out.
forte1 a strong or exceptional point, such as a talent or skill.
harass to trouble or bother again and again.
migrate to move from one region into another.
mortality the quality or state of being destined to die.
mortgage a written agreement by which a bank or other institution agrees to lend money so that one can buy a property. The bank holds a claim to this property until the money is paid back.
obligation something that someone should or should not do because of a law or moral principle.
preen to dress and groom oneself with great care and satisfaction; primp.
resort a place where people go to relax and have fun while on vacation.
sullen silently showing anger.
sustain to provide with the basic necessities of life.