Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accuracy the condition of being accurate.
comparable nearly the same or equal in degree or quality.
crusade (often capitalized) any of the wars between European Catholics and Middle Eastern Muslims between 1095 and 1291. During these wars, the Catholics tried to take territory away from the Muslims.
dingy dirty or not cared for well.
garland a wreath, chain, or string worn for celebration or decoration. Garlands are made of flowers, leaves, or vines.
glaze a shiny coating on pottery.
inflict to deal out or strike in a physical attack.
infrastructure all the basic systems that have been created in a country, especially through technology and engineering, that allow it to function well and develop. Roads are a very important part of a country's infrastructure. Without roads, it is difficult for people to travel and to work and to move products from one place to another.
madden to enrage or inflame.
manuscript a piece of writing prepared by the author before it becomes a printed article or book.
publicity information given out through the media that gets the attention of the public.
rational based on sound reasoning; sensible.
reckless paying no attention to danger; not at all careful.
statistical of, concerning, or based on information in the form of numbers that can be used to understand a complex issue or test the validity of a hypothesis.
tempo the speed at which a musical piece is to be played.