Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blond having a light yellow color.
booth a closed place or stall that has room for one person or a small group.
chew to break apart and make soft with the teeth.
emergency a sudden dangerous situation that requires immediate action or help.
enter to come or go in.
hire to give a job to.
hope a feeling or chance that something that you want to happen will happen.
late happening after the usual or expected time.
number a unit with a fixed value that is used to count or to tell the position of something. You can write a number as a word or a symbol, such as "nine" or "9."
physical of the body.
sight the ability to see.
simple easy to do or understand.
sleep to be in a state of rest for the body and mind. When people sleep, their eyes are closed and they are not conscious.
smart intelligent; knowing a lot.
tag a piece of thick paper, thin metal, or plastic that gives information and is attached to something.