Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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ago before now; past.
danger a chance or likelihood that something bad or harmful may happen; peril; risk.
delight great pleasure.
dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction.
due required or expected to arrive.
flow to move in a smooth, steady stream.
harm hurt or injury.
law the set of rules that people in a society must follow.
mixture something that is made by two or more things that are mixed together.
newspaper a set of large sheets of paper with reports about recent events, advertisements, and other information. Most newspapers are printed and sold every day or once a week.
paste a mixture used to stick paper or other light materials together.
scrape to rub with something sharp or rough.
splendid beautiful or grand; making a strong impression.
trap to catch and not let escape.
wire a long thread of metal.