Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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appellation a name, title, or other designation.
belabor to continue excessive efforts on or excessive discussion of.
constrict to pull or squeeze in; make smaller or more narrow; tighten.
consummate of the highest order or degree.
discomfit to upset or confuse.
equipoise a state of balance or equal weight, importance, or the like; equilibrium.
foible a minor flaw or weakness in personality, character, or behavior.
incredulous not able to believe something.
noisome offensive or disgusting, especially in smell; foul.
obtrusive aggressive and self-assertive, or inclined to be so.
reprise repetition of a musical phrase or theme in an identical or slightly altered way.
stickler one who must observe or conform to something (usually followed by "for").
stochastic of, or arising from chance or probability.
untoward unexpected and unfortunate.
uxorial of, pertaining to, or befitting a wife.