Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abet to incite, encourage, or aid, especially in wrongdoing.
complaisant eager or willing to please; amenable; obliging.
corpulent fat; portly; obese.
dialectical of or using logical analysis or argument that reveals and resolves opposing ideas or contradictions.
equivocation the act of communicating in ambiguous, shifting, or indecisive terms, often to avoid or deceive.
genteel displaying traits such as refinement and politeness that are traditionally associated with wealth and education.
imminent about to happen or likely to happen soon.
indigent without financial means to live; needy; poor.
intrinsic being essential to or of the nature of a thing; inherent.
notation a system of signs used to stand for numbers, words, or musical notes.
reconcile to heal differences and restore a good relationship between.
stratagem a plan or trick to deceive, surprise, or outwit an opponent, especially as a military maneuver.
tortuous changing direction frequently; twisting, winding, or crooked, as a path.
undermine to gradually, secretly, or imperceptibly weaken and destroy.
winnow to sift through, or separate out the desired or worthwhile from the undesired or worthless part of, as by critical analysis.