Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aghast filled with alarm or horror; shocked.
comprehensive including everything or almost everything; wide in range.
diva a renowned female opera singer; prima donna.
dominate to control by the use of power; rule.
estate a piece of land with a large house on it.
exile the condition of being sent away from one's country and not allowed to return as a punishment.
explicit said or written in a clear and direct way.
homicide the act of killing another person; murder.
immense very large; huge.
immigrate to come to live permanently in a country where one was not born.
maelstrom a turbulent or overpowering situation.
noticeable easily noticed.
preventative designed to serve as a hindrance or method of prevention.
publicity information given out through the media that gets the attention of the public.
radical having to do with the root or source; basic; fundamental.