Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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deprive to take away from; not allow to have.
dissent to disagree with an opinion or belief held by many others.
embargo a government order that restricts trade or the shipment of goods.
expedite to send off, facilitate the progress of, or accomplish with speed and efficiency.
gourmet a person who loves and knows much about good food and fine wine.
grovel to be or move about in a bowed or prostrate position, as with fear or humility; cower; cringe.
internal located on the inside; inner.
jocular intended to be humorous; facetious.
lust a strong desire for something (usually followed by "for").
mitigate to lessen the force, severity, or impact of.
outrageous extremely wrong or harmful.
projection a guess of a future situation based on looking at the present situation.
resort a place where people go to relax and have fun while on vacation.
viable capable of germinating, growing, or developing, as a living organism or social organization.
visualize to form a picture of in the mind.