Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ceremony a formal act or series of acts done in a particular way to honor a special occasion.
commotion a noisy confusion; disorder.
database a large collection of information in a computer. In a database, information is arranged so that it can be quickly changed or searched through.
eavesdrop to listen to other people talk without letting them know.
effort the action of physical or mental energy.
gear any equipment, clothes, or tools used for some particular purpose.
illusion a fantasy or mistaken idea.
implement something used to do a particular job; tool or device.
mutter to speak in a low tone that is hard to understand; mumble.
partially partly; not completely.
personally in person; without the aid of others.
possess to own or have.
punctuate to put commas, periods, apostrophes, and other such marks in a piece of writing.
scrub to clean by rubbing hard.
trifle something that has very little value or importance.