Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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anger a strong feeling caused when someone or something has done something wrong to you or when you think that something is bad or not fair.
bin a container or space for putting things or storing things such as wood, potatoes, or coal.
crown a metal object worn on the head by kings and queens. Crowns are often made of gold or silver.
dead no longer alive.
enemy a person who hates or wants to harm another.
group a collection of people, things, or ideas that are in one place or have important things in common.
gun a weapon with a tube made of metal from which bullets are fired.
hungry feeling a need or want for food.
law the set of rules that people in a society must follow.
silent making or having no sound.
smell to sense something by means of the nose.
swim to move through water by moving parts of the body.
tablet a small, flat, round piece of medicine.
wake1 to come out of sleep (often followed by "up").
whose of or belonging to which person or persons.