Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abridge to make shorter.
biennial happening every second year.
celestial of or having to do with the sky or outer space.
corpulent fat; portly; obese.
demeanor the way in which one conducts oneself; deportment.
ferment a state of upset or fast change.
innuendo an indirect and usually derogatory hint, allusion, or insinuation.
maladjustment an inability to bring one's own needs into harmony with the demands of the external environment.
manifesto a public statement of principles and intentions, usually by an organized political group or person.
predecessor a person who holds a position or job before another person.
receptive open and willing to accommodate new thoughts and ideas.
rue1 to regret, repent of, or feel sorry about.
surmise to infer without certain knowledge; suppose; guess.
trepidation a condition of anxiety or dread; alarm.
unproductive not yielding useful or helpful results; not fruitful.