Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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difference the condition of being not like or not the same.
endeavor to make an effort; try; strive.
grime dirt clinging to or rubbed into a surface.
hasten to move or act with speed; hurry.
headline the title to a newspaper article that tells what the article is about. The headline for the most important news is in the largest type on the front page of the paper.
headquarters (used with a singular or plural verb) the main office of any organization.
individual a single human being; person.
invade to enter as an enemy, by force, in order to conquer or plunder.
joyous full of joy; happy.
legion an army unit in ancient Rome that was made up of soldiers on foot and on horseback.
mongrel a plant or animal that is a mix of two or more breeds or kinds.
provider a person or organization that is a source for or supplier of a particular product or service.
swift moving or able to move very rapidly.
telegram a message sent in code by electronic means over wires.
vampire a creature in folk tales that is said to have died but come back to life. Vampires suck blood from people in order to stay among the living.