Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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concoct to make by putting together a number of parts or ingredients.
hallow to respect or honor highly; venerate.
insurrection an act or instance of open rebellion against a government or other authority; uprising.
intrusion the act of entering or thrusting oneself in when not invited or welcomed.
jocose inclined to joke; jovial; merry.
mien one's manner or bearing.
populace the people who live in a particular place.
recount to tell a history of events; relate; narrate.
rivulet a tiny stream or brook; trickle.
sedition actions or speech intended or serving to create rebellion against a government.
simultaneous existing, happening, or done at the same time.
soliloquy an act of talking or a speech by one who is, or is considered to be, alone.
supersede to take over the position or influence of; replace.
tortuous changing direction frequently; twisting, winding, or crooked, as a path.
vintage a class of objects produced during a certain era or year.