Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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attest to show or prove the truth of.
authentic real, genuine, or true.
brochure a small booklet or pamphlet, especially one that contains pictures and is used for advertising purposes.
civilize to bring education and training to, especially in the arts, science, and government.
consensus general agreement in opinions, values, preferences, or the like.
depletion drastic lessening; exhaustion.
distinctive serving to set apart or mark as distinct or unusual.
downplay to dismiss the significance of; minimize.
naive simple, natural, and unsophisticated; lacking in suspicion.
significance great value; importance.
sole1 single and alone; not one among others; only.
specify to name or otherwise indicate explicitly.
statistics (used with a singular verb) the mathematical study of numerical information, especially representative information about a limited portion of a population that is used to make generalized conclusions about the whole.
treacherous betraying or likely to betray trust; false.
undergraduate a college or university student who has not yet earned a degree.