Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aggravate to make worse.
ambassador a person who is sent by the government of one country to be its official representative in another country.
cloak a long, loose, outer garment without sleeves.
contraption (informal) a mechanical device, sometimes of odd design or construction; gadget.
entice to lure or tempt, as by calling attention to the possible benefits of an action.
eon a very long period of time.
exquisite very beautiful; made in a lovely or delicate way.
institute to bring into being or set in operation.
interpersonal of or pertaining to a relationship or interaction between people.
norm a model or standard, especially one that is generally accepted or followed.
preservation protection from loss or damage; the act of preserving.
ratio a relation or comparison between numbers or things based on amount or degree.
replica a duplication or copy, especially one smaller than the original.
stagnant standing still; motionless.
summarize to be a concise statement of.