Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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commotion a noisy confusion; disorder.
conform to act in a way that agrees with a rule or standard.
development the act of starting something, working on it, and making it complete.
digital showing information by a row of numerical digits rather than by numbers on a dial.
exhibition a public showing of art, crafts, products, or skills.
focus to direct one's attention or efforts towards one thing; concentrate.
pantry a small room near a kitchen, for keeping food, dishes, and other supplies.
patriotic feeling or showing love for and loyalty to one's country.
rove to wander widely, without a fixed destination; roam.
shift to change one's position, or to move from one place to another.
snicker to laugh in a sly and partly restrained way.
structure a thing made up of a number of parts joined together in a certain way.
trigger to cause, begin, or set off.
union the act of joining together.
virus a tiny organism that can reproduce only in living cells. Viruses cause disease in humans, animals, and plants.