Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aboard on or into a ship, plane, bus, or plane; on board.
bluster to blow in a strong and noisy way.
classical having to do with the complex music of the European tradition that is neither folk nor popular music.
disguise to change or hide the looks of in order to prevent recognition.
evergreen having green leaves that stay on a plant throughout the year.
fiend an evil spirit or demon; devil.
forge1 to form or shape by heating and hammering.
gory extremely violent, with great bloodshed.
invade to enter as an enemy, by force, in order to conquer or plunder.
lively full of life or energy.
obviously in a way that is easy to see or understand; clearly.
scour1 to clean by rubbing hard.
tuft a group or clump of long strands that are attached at one end and loose at the other. Yarn, hair, and grass are some strands that can form tufts.
urge to push or drive forward or onward.
visible able to be seen.