Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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asset something useful or valuable.
cherish to value with great love and care.
correspondent a person who reports news or contributes articles regularly to a newspaper, magazine, TV network, or the like, from a distant area.
cryptic difficult to understand; ambiguous or mysterious in meaning.
friction the rubbing of objects against each other.
maelstrom a turbulent or overpowering situation.
precede to come before in time.
presumably judging by what may reasonably be guessed or predicted.
prolific producing young or new growth in abundance; fertile.
prophesy to foretell or reveal, especially under divine inspiration.
prospective likely or expected.
random made or done without purpose or pattern; made or done by chance.
refinement an improvement, usually in the details of something.
somber sad, dismal, or full of gloom.
widespread happening or scattered over a large area.