Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affix to attach or join physically (usually used with "to").
aural2 of or relating to the ear or hearing.
defunct no longer in existence or use; dead; extinct.
distillation the process of heating a substance to produce a vapor, which is then cooled and condensed, in order to purify, concentrate, or extract components from the substance.
electrify to shock, startle, or excite.
feasible capable of being done, carried out, or brought about; likely to succeed.
indolent inclined to avoid exertion or effort; lazy.
obligatory required; compulsory.
pursuant following on or proceeding from (usually followed by "to").
reaffirm to verify by asserting again.
repugnant extremely distasteful to one's senses or principles; disgusting.
stalemate any situation in which a further action, offer, or the like is impossible or unlikely; deadlock.
suborn to induce (someone) to commit a crime or other corrupt deed.
tenacity the quality or condition of holding on strongly or persistently to something.
tumultuous full of noise, commotion, or disorder; riotous.