Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accolade an expression or mark of approval; honor; award.
adage an old familiar saying that shows the wisdom of a group of people; proverb.
dialectical of or using logical analysis or argument that reveals and resolves opposing ideas or contradictions.
dissimilar not alike; different.
erroneous containing or based on a mistake; incorrect.
evenhanded fair and impartial in the treatment of others; equitable.
exculpate to free (a person or group) from guilt or blame, or from the suspicion of guilt or blame.
fitful occurring at irregular intervals.
intrepid feeling or showing no fear; courageous; bold.
iridescent emitting or reflecting a lustrous play of colors covering the spectrum, like a rainbow.
lechery excessive or vulgar interest in sex; prurience.
petulance the state or quality of being easily or unreasonably irritated, impatient, or ill tempered.
proficient adept or skilled, usually as a result of study or practice.
prophetic foretelling or revealing the future.
testy easily annoyed or angered; irritable; touchy.