Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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authority the right or power to give orders, make decisions, or control people.
bolt a metal or wooden bar on a door that slides into an opening in the frame. When the bolt is inserted into the frame, the door stays closed.
brisk active or full of energy; lively; quick.
discussion the act or an instance of talking or writing about something.
filthy very dirty or foul; nasty.
flexibility the capability of bending easily, or being bent easily, and not breaking.
horizontal parallel to the surface of the earth or to the horizon.
invest to put into use for the purpose of making money.
project any activity that takes great effort or planning.
ruffle to disturb a smooth, even surface.
shock1 a sudden and powerful scare; an upset of the mind or feelings.
species a group of living things that naturally produce young with other members of the same group but not with those of other groups.
supreme having the highest rank, position, or authority.
tighten to make more secure or more securely fastened.
vehicle something used to carry and move people or things.