Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amnesia partial or complete loss of memory as a result of an injury to the brain, illness, or shock.
artifact any object made by human beings, especially one of an earlier era.
bankruptcy the legal inability to pay debts.
definitive most reliable, complete, or authoritative.
discard to throw out or away; cast off.
embodiment a person or thing that perfectly represents some principle, spirit, or the like; incarnation.
inhibition the condition of being held back or prevented from acting, as by one's own fear or embarrassment.
literary having to do with poems, novels, plays, and essays, or those who write or read them.
madden to enrage or inflame.
previously just before another.
regulatory pertaining to or having the purpose of making or enforcing rules.
resolve to decide firmly and sincerely to do something or that something shall be done.
sheer thin or fine enough to see through.
untreated receiving no medical care or remedy.
vex to annoy or irritate.